06 Nov Sherlock To Speak On Ghana At ThinkFest
Quinton Sherlock, MSc, made a name for himself in Bermuda as a golfer and now he is using golf to transform lives in the Republic of Ghana with his own youth development foundation.
And residents will have an opportunity to hear of his work, its impact and reflect on the legacy of colonialism in the West African country at the next ThinkFest on November 12 at the Bermuda College’s North Hall Lecture Theatre.
The presentation begins at 5 pm and will be preceded with refreshments from African Kitchen – including a traditional Ghanaian snack known as kelewele. Sherlock, who founded and runs Ghana’s Ace It Foundation a youth development non-profit and arrived in Bermuda on Thursday evening, will deliver a talk entitled “Cursed Tongue: A Reasoning on NGOs, Education and the legacy of Colonialism in Ghana”.
Read the full article here.
Source: Bernews